Sunday, February 6, 2011

Well what can I say....we got one heck of a winter going on up here. Last Tuesday when I was leaving for work I saw a phenomenon that I have never seen. It was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Ice crystals were falling from the sky; it looked like God was sprinkling iridescent glitter. It was awesome. The snow here is so pretty; and everyone loves it. The dogs are in 7th heaven. Rusty thinks that he was born to stay out in the snow. He races back and forth from the back to the front; over and over again. We had coyotes right by the house the night before last. It was a whole family; the dogs were out running around and suddenly we heard them all "calling"; it was scary at first but after we got the dogs in I went back out to see if I could see any of them. I'm getting used to hearing and seeing all kinds of wildlife out here. We even have a family of hogs that are not afraid to come out in the open in our pasture. Sometimes I feel like we have our own private "wildlife" refuge. We also saw a "cougar"; or they also are called mountain lions. Really impressive. I am glad that our horses are able to take care of themselves. If they want they can go into the barn. Along with the cows they will all stay warm. I should have bought "snow boots" but its a bit late to think about that. We just went out and played in the snow with the dogs. In the early evening is when all the wildlife comes around. We had to stay with Dale's folks for about 4 days. Our water froze; so we had no water. The temperature dropped 25degrees in less than 3hours this past Tuesday. Then the weather hit again Thursday night; leaving us no way to thaw out the pipes. Since our house is built on " Pier and beams", the wind goes through and freezes the pipes. We thought that they were insulated but it ended up being that it was not like they were supposed to be. So Dale's Uncle will fix it so that it does not happen again. But it made for a very nice break from working on the house. Well guys life is what it is and I am loving living it. Different as it is and though I miss all; it is a walk that I hope will make me stronger in my walk with God.....

Reach for God and you have reached for the stars!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Winter In My Life!!!

I was sitting here tonite and thinking about all that God has brought me too and through...amazed does not even begin to explain how I feel. More like "awe" and disbelief. I think of some of my roads that I have traveled and I know without a doubt that I could not have made it without God in my life. Things like abuse,by the hands of someone that I thought I was going to spend my life with. And coming out stronger than ever to be able to reach for my dreams. But what exactly were those dreams. I recall crying out and asking God to bring me someone who would love me for me; with all the "practical jokes" and with my "fly by the seat of my pants" attitude towards life. He sent me Dale; and 33yrs. later it still feels new. I remember 1, with 2 requests attached to it. I even had it written in a diary. That was the birth of our two children. I had specifications; a girl first followed 5yrs. later by a boy; to be born in the later spring. Sarah was first born in May and Joshua followed 5yrs. later born in March. I was 16 when I asked God for this. I have had; and still have amazing friends. Ones who would come and be with me at the drop of a hat. Or call me just to let me know that I am missed. I have had the privilege of being part of so many Children's lives. And now because of "Facebook" I am able to follow their lives for a short time. Oh I imagine that in time as their lives grow and life things happen that they will think of me on occasion. But for me that was a very wonderful time in my life. The families whose lives I was graced with; and being able to see most of the "kids" I helped with; turn out to be some amazing young adults. Tie all this in with our own children being out on their own; and you have given me things to be grateful for. I have no words to describe how blessed I feel to have gotten to have the life I have had. It is isn't everything; it sure does help; and Lord knows there is always one bill or another that has to be paid. But past that, I am so very rich.
I was looking out at the snow and beauty all around me. The horses running and frolicking in the snow. The dogs playing chase. Even the cows were enjoying the snow. Walking in the snow is really cool; but only if you don't think about what might be "horse biscuts" or "meadow muffins". Then later we made snow ice cream. Don't know where Dale got the snow; by the time I thought to ask; I figured..I really don't want to know. So I ate it. Listening to the wind blow through the snow covered trees; and seeing the snow fly off the branches. Last night in bed I could look out our bedroom window and see the new snow on the ground. It was so bright. This is what I always dreamed about what country life might be like. Trying to stay warm drinking "hot chocolate" and eating Homemade Chicken Soup (that I had made). Playing cards with Dale or just chilling out and sewing. It has been an incredible 2 days of "heavy thinking". Especially with what happened in Arizona. You can't help but feel like you want to run out and hug your kids and great friends and family. Yes I can finally say...I do love life in the country. The peace and quiet out here is so amazing. I sometimes wake at night to the sound of the coyote's howling to one another. And I have seen animals out here that are so majestic; like the Eagle I saw not but the other day; sitting on a fence and looking around; as if to survey his "kingdom". And I could sit in the truck and watch him as he sat on the fence post; just looking. I got goosebumps; I felt almost like I was intruding on some sacred ground. But I also felt as if God put him there to say " I promised you that I would show you awesome"; and he does almost every day. Waking up and realizing that I am not in Austin; still leaves me a bit sad. There have been many a times when upon awakening I wish I were there. But to be honest; I don't think I was meant to be with another family; not here. I will never find the "families" here like I did in Austin. No one can take your places; not in my heart and not working for them. So with much thought and prayer, I have stopped totally looking for a family to serve. I have instead embraced where I am at now, and have made a conscious decision to "enjoy" where I am at. To give it my all. And pray that I might be able to make a difference in some "child's" life. I know that you all understand this. Please pray that this job and I have a great time.
Now for the "fun" stuff. I am after the "City Manager's" job. And I don't mean in a small way. From what I can see and understand he gets paid way to much for the little bit he does. It all began when I hit a speed bump and hit a pot hole; which sent me flying into a front yard and gashed the tire. Later when I was coming back to work from lunch (same day), one of the city trucks ran a stop sign and almost broad sided me. A few days later I went to the city Manager's Office to complain and to file a refund for my tire. He began by telling me that I was most likely not a good driver. With that said he then said he was not meaning that I was a bad driver; and I thought to myself "yeah right". He then said that the "city" was not responsible for their roads being in bad shape and that they had no intention of replacing my tire. I then told him that they may be replacing my whole truck if the "city" marked cars continued to run through stop signs. He promptly asked me if the guy was "white or was he a mexican"? Not only is he over paid now he racist on top of it all. Talk about small town ignorance; and he is the city manager. He's got to go.....
OK life has really turned to winter here. I can't believe how cold it is. On top of everything else the water froze to our house. The horses have actually decided that it is too cold and they are in the barn. Even the cows are there. We closed the Daycare center early. Ice began to rain down and people were told to pick up their kids by 1:30. So with having said that I have been officially introduced and "broken in" to "life in East Texas". I have really been introduced to And I spoke with IRS today and they are not willing to work with me. They explained to me that they would be inquiring about our "assets"; WE don't have any, unless of course you count my extra weight. At this point I have not a clue as to what we're going to do. But keep praying we need all we can get. I thought about a "fundraiser" or standing on the corner; but out here if you panhandle, you get to spend the night in the "slammer". Oh well, maybe Dale can win the lotto. Seriously this to shall pass. I know that God is with me no matter what. That is it for now. More later........
Hugs and Blessings,

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I'm sitting in our home and I know I need to get things done; but I also know that I need to spend time with my Father IN Heaven. I have so many things on my mind. Things like "how can I make a difference" here in this new place in my life? Can I, or will I be able to share the things in my life that mean so much to me; things that define me? And by the way what is it that does define me? How do people here perceive me? Do I intimidate them? Or do I look like someone they can trust? What can I do to share with others what it means to be a child of a King? There was a time when I thought that I could never, would never live without talking to my parents one day; much less 7mos. Or did I ever dream that the idea of not having my sister as part of my life, would be OK. Or that my children would live more than 1 hour away from me; much less 8hours. And that I would be happy with that. I recall a time not so long ago when the idea of even moving was a big NO WAY for me. That I would never leave Austin; much less a city. True I love the country; as long as I could get to everyone and everything within at least 30 minutes time. Then the kids grew and got lives of their own. The one hour away for one child turned into 6hrs. away. Then it was "how often" could I go visit Sarah; we were just beginning to get closer. Then came a husband and kids and a new way of life for her. Then the baby grew up even faster and moved first 4hrs. away. Joshua and I were so close; I never dreamed that I could stretch my arms so far. In 2 different directions. By the time all was said and done; not only is Joshua following "Gods' will" for him; but he moved even farther. Both had "lives" to live and adventures to do in life. And I had to learn to let go and let God. When I begin to recall all the things in my life that God has given to me just the way I desired; then who am I to tell him no? There are things and times in my life that I wish would have gone differently; but overall I've been blessed.
Ok, Ok.... I know it has been a long time and the above wanderings were done right after Christmas. I do hope that this finds everyone nice and cozy. I've really been thinking about what last "year" was like; you know before my life took a "turn". And believe me it was a "U" turn; not just a simple around the corner type turn. A honest to goodness "life changing" event turn. Yes I miss everyone of you in every little possible way. From the "calls" of "can you pick up...."? To my special time "out" with the girls. To all the "last minute" things that can possibly come up. I remember a few; "forgetting to blow out a candle"; left dog outside; dripping faucets when it got cold enough to freeze. I loved doing all of those things; and believe it or not all those things were several people not just one. And I would do it all again.
But God took me elsewhere. I'm still trying to figure out the "why me" part. Why the "tinie tiny town"? I still have a hard time believing that I can't even go to a "Michael's or Hobby Lobby"; no "Barnes & Nobles". They do have a "Burkes outlett" which by all accounts is a "tiny town's" version of a "Marshall's". Dale and I went to a movie the other night to see the current "Narnia" movie. We went to a small town; about 20 minutes maybe 30 from us, called Daingerfield. The movies cost us $1.50 each, the XLG popcorn was $3.75; and the special was the popcorn and 2 large drinks for $7.00. We could not believe our blessings. The theatre was older; but the ambiance was so awesome. And the people there so friendly. No uniforms; only a Police Officer to help. I felt like I stepped back in time to the "60's". And people that were waiting for the movie to begin actually talked to you. They turned around and said Hi. I've not had this experience ever. There is a funeral home in this same town where the owner lives "above" the business. It is too cool. Like I said I feel like I am living in the "past". It is almost like living in "Mayberry". All the shops around the town square do all sorts of things. One "mercantile" place does, dry cleaning, shoe repair, and tailoring as well as selling gifts of all types. There is a small Restaurant with white linen table cloths and the whole nine yards. Like I have said and continue to ask; why am I here? I mean I so appreciate the house and my in-laws are great. But the calamities, continue to follow me. Things like having to replace 3 out of 4 tires since we moved here. Asking for 1 horse and getting 3; Dale burning the field not just once but twice. Now the volunteer "Fireman" know us by first name. I could go on but then I might be here a good part of the day. I have nothing but lots of peace and quiet around here. No "Malls" to run to. No trips to the grocery store. There is only 1 in Mount Vernon and 3 in Mount Pleasant. And yesterday every single one of them reminded me of Austin. For the first time shelves were emptying fast of water and other staples. First time I felt like I was close to Austin. And people were buying generator's. This is something Dale and I need to be looking to buy; as well as a "kerosun" heater. I'm learning; but the things we should get cost more than what we can do right now. So if the power goes out we will go to Dale's parents and sit by the wood stove. There are times I imagine what the "west" was like when people were starting out. Of course it's nothing like that for me; but having come from Austin to here, especially in bad weather with "livestock" to think about it sure feels like it. Oh well enough for now. I will try to write more soon. Take care and you are all always in my prayers. One thing is for sure; I depend more on God for answers than I ever have before.

Hugs, & Blessings,

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Thanksmas & Thanksgiving

Well Thanksgiving has come and gone. It began with a whirlwind trip to Lubbock to see our Daughter (Sarah) and her family. We were also joined by Hannah and Joe; (my niece and her husband). We decided to start a new tradition "Thanksmas". Since the Holidays are extremely hectic for Sarah and Hannah; we thought we would celebrate in a 5 day visit. And it turned out wonderful. Lots of family time and playing of games, riding horses and watching movies. West Texas is as beautiful in its own way as East Texas is. Sarah and Donavan live across from "cotton fields" and they had just been harvested. Add the wind into the mix and you get "red" dirt. It is impaled into your clothes and skin. We just looked at it as a free "dermabrasion" natural style. It was really neat to see everyone and the dirt was just an added effect. We also met one of Sarah's neighbors who loves to come by and check on her and Donavan; just to make sure they are OK.
We were blessed to have Joshua home and have him be able to go with us to Lubbock, and to come back and spend "Thanksgiving" week with us. Coming back home I realized why it is that I love East Texas. The trees are all loosing their leaves and I love walking through them. The air has a crisp snap to it; especially in the mornings. My 3 Mares are almost always by the house at 7am. And they talk more and more each time. It is like they are having this conversation with me and I understand (at least I act like I do) what they are saying. They look like they have velvet coats on. Their coats are beautiful and thick. And love to stand by them when they are eating or just standing still; for what ever reason I have always loved the smell of horses. And I am hoping that at some point we will be able to get a saddle so we can ride. In the meantime I will just love on them. The dogs are just awesome. Rusty plays with the smallest of the horses (Birdie); they like to play "tag". The nights here are so pretty the stars shine brighter, the moon is so big here lately; it is like you can reach out to touch it. It is what they call a Harvest Moon.
Living here during this "Holiday" season has taught me to appreciate the "family and friends" I have. Around here people concentrate more on seeing family and friends; and allot less on "gift" giving. With the economy the way it is, there are not very many people who can afford to buy things. And that doesn't seem to bother the kids in the least. I have not heard any of the children here say what they want for Christmas. I believe this is one of the poorest parts of Texas. But you would not know it, unless you lived here. The town squares are all decorated and look inviting. The little shops around the town are decorated to the "enths" degree. And on Thanksgiving Day there was hardly a place opened. Or they were closed half the day. At least the women at work are beginning to be nicer. Maybe it is just because of the Holidays or "prayerfully" they are really changing. Either way it is easier to go to work and be in a great mood.
One of the things around here that I am learning to "stomach" is that people here will kill something take it home and process it themselves. Especially the wild pigs. I keep hoping and praying that Dale won't do that. Don't get me wrong I love living in the country and there aren't allot of things I won't try; but this is one I will not do.
I really am amazed at the difference here in culture. Sometimes I just sit and am amazed at all the "newness" that I am still learning to adjust to. One of the "new" things here are the small town "get togethers". This past weekend we had a "Christmas Parade" in Mt. Vernon and Mount Pleasant has theirs coming up. They love getting together for any and all occasions. Dale and I try to make as many as we can. People here expect to see you at EVERYthing. I just can't make all of them. But at least the ladies and I are making headway. They do order Avon from me. And I am grateful for that. I do miss the "hustle and bustle" of the Holiday shopping to an extent. But if I look hard enough or drive to Canton; which we did this weekend; you can find lots of "hustle and bustle". Boy it was wall to wall people and dogs. It is however one of the coolest places to find "things" at. And it is only open once a month. The first weekend of every month. And food oh my; everything is good for you; maybe not to you; but definitely good for you to taste.The other thing that "smacked" Dale and i this weekend was that here they do loose electricity here due to inclement weather. So we are going to need to buy a "butane" type heater. Of course my thought is I'll just move in at work. The church has pretty much everything there. I am asking God to keep us warm and with Electricity through the "winter". Of course we have several "elderly" friends and will need to help check in on them. Heck they will most likely be doing better than we are. It is another adventure for us in the making. I have so much to be thankful for that complaining about anything is just wrong So therefore I will spare us all in the "saga" of San Antonio. Truly it is all in God's hands. Even our church is so different than that of the one in Austin. Everyone knows everyone in town and what is going on with who. On my way back from Canton (I went with my Mother in-law and Dales' Aunt) it seemed that everyone we talked about "kids included" they knew or knew about. So nothing around here is "sacred". Well I apologize for taking so long to get this out. And I will try to blog more. Next week will be the week for lots of patience and "yes Mam's". We are getting ready for the kids Christmas program next Sunday evening. And the kids I work the most with are preforming the most songs. And it is at church; so I will have lots to tell after that. Hugs to All.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Country Full of Grace

Well here I am again....thinking about "Austin" and all the ones who are there and love me unconditionally. I feel like I am in the hardest place of my life. Both physically and mentally. I really do miss being around those who don't judge me and trusted me. Thank you and just know I really do miss ALL of you.
Having said that; I still feel I made the best decision. Dale and I are here and able to help his parents. His Dad and him have grown closer, and the fact is, Jimmy is not getting better; and with us here I hope that we bring a bit of comfort, in knowing that they are not by themselves with this.
I still look to God for my daily "gifts". It is such a delight to bring joy to the kids and even a few people that I work with. I am the jokester around work. But I can drive a "mean" bus. Everyone wants to ride with me when I drive. Trust me it is an experience. I have started selling AVON in hopes that I can break the ice with some of these ladies and make a few extra bucks. Emphasis on the last part. Somewhere between Halloween and this past week; I've turned a corner with these ladies. They talk more to me and they are actually nice to me. I just decided to "love" em' as they are; and not worry about anything else. This has proven to be a great antidote; and allot less stress on me. And they are buying AVON from me.
God still is providing daily gifts for me. I love the smell in the morning when the air is nice and crisp outside. The people across from us have new calves and watching them play is so cute. I so enjoy being outside on the front steps watching them. It sometimes makes me feel like I stepped back in time. I know I have told you about the smelly chickens; and that the smell means "money". Yech! Occasionally this smell mingles with the others in the morning.
However the trees here are amazing in color. Everyday is even more beautiful than the day before. I awoke this morning to horses "nickering"; so I got up went out and fed them. Then I crawled back into bed to do my "Bible Study". It is really neat to be able to sit and watch outside. The clouds are very low and it looks like you could reach up and touch them. The wind is blowing and their is a nice wind blowing through the trees. I love hearing the trees blow; each type has their own "music" and together they sound like a symphony of nature; as presented by the "plants". Of course we have the animals and their own sounds; like the owl at night; and the doves in the morning. It is so neat to see how different each season is as far as how the sounds travel. In the summer months you can hear the "mining" going on. Even though it is many miles away that sound does travel. During the fall/winter it is the leaves moving. I love coming home down the "covered" lane. I have one of 2 ways to come home; the highway or the country lane way. When I need the "down" time I come home the country lane way. The trees are so awesome in color; deep reds mixed with golden browns and yellows. All this is mixed with the vibrant greens. Going down my country lane is so cool. It is mainly covered by trees; a canopy of them. And behind all them on occasion is a house or a barn. I mainly love slowing down and smelling the trees and the earth. Listening to the birds. And just breathing life. I often use this as a "prayer" lane. To give thanks, ask for help and lift up all those who are in need at the time. It is like living in a "postcard" picture. This whole place is like something from Norman Rockwell. There is the Farmer's market every Saturday; small town shops around the square mixed with churches here and there. Homes with large front porches; that beckon to you to come sit...have some "tea or coffee". Sit and talk awhile. There are very comfy looking and I could easily read an entire book in those rocking chairs. The people are very proud of their history here. I learn something new every week.
Our home is wonderful with a few "needing" things here and there. But I will get there eventually. I just really enjoy the fresh air and being around the animals. Watching them with one another is so cool. The horses are constantly amazing. The "baby" of the group "Birdie" thinks she is a dog. She "paws" at the gate to come in and eat or to get my attention. She really is something else. All 3 of them will have a total conversation with you while you fix their food. The dogs have Dale trained; at about 9:30/10:00 every night they will go to him and start barking; if he doesn't get up they come to me and bark. The end result is the walk of course. To the end of the drive and back. Does not matter how cold it is, we must go.
I pray that God will bless each of you over the Thanksgiving Holiday. Joshua will be coming home to spend Thanksgiving with us. We will travel to Lubbock this coming weekend to be with Sarah and her family and Hannah and her Husband. Then we will spend Thanksgiving with Dale's folks. And for this I am so thankful. I get to be with 2 out of 3 of our kids. May God Bless each of you.

Blessings from the Country,

Well here I am again....thinking about "Austin" and all the ones who are there and love me unconditionally. I feel like I am in the hardest place of my life. Both physically and mentally. I really do miss being around those who don't judge me and trusted me. Thank you and just know I really do miss ALL of you.
Having said that; I still feel I made the best decision. Dale and I are here and able to help his parents. His Dad and him have grown closer, and the fact is, Jimmy is not getting better; and with us here I hope that we bring a bit of comfort, in knowing that they are not by themselves with this.
I still look to God for my daily "gifts". It is such a delight to bring joy to the kids and even a few people that I work with. I am the jokester around work. But I can drive a "mean" bus. Everyone wants to ride with me when I drive. Trust me it is an experience. I have started selling AVON in hopes that I can break the ice with some of these ladies and make a few extra bucks. Emphasis on the last part. Somewhere between Halloween and this past week; I've turned a corner with these ladies. They talk more to me and they are actually nice to me. I just decided to "love" em' as they are; and not worry about anything else. This has proven to be a great antidote; and allot less stress on me. And they are buying AVON from me.
God still is providing daily gifts for me. I love the smell in the morning when the air is nice and crisp outside. The people across from us have new calves and watching them play is so cute. I so enjoy being outside on the front steps watching them. It sometimes makes me feel like I stepped back in time. I know I have told you about the smelly chickens; and that the smell means "money". Yech! Occasionally this smell mingles with the others in the morning.
However the trees here are amazing in color. Everyday is even more beautiful than the day before. I awoke this morning to horses "nickering"; so I got up went out and fed them. Then I crawled back into bed to do my "Bible Study". It is really neat to be able to sit and watch outside. The clouds are very low and it looks like you could reach up and touch them. The wind is blowing and their is a nice wind blowing through the trees. I love hearing the trees blow; each type has their own "music" and together they sound like a symphony of nature; as presented by the "plants". Of course we have the animals and their own sounds; like the owl at night; and the doves in the morning. It is so neat to see how different each season is as far as how the sounds travel. In the summer months you can hear the "mining" going on. Even though it is many miles away that sound does travel. During the fall/winter it is the leaves moving. I love coming home down the "covered" lane. I have one of 2 ways to come home; the highway or the country lane way. When I need the "down" time I come home the country lane way. The trees are so awesome in color; deep reds mixed with golden browns and yellows. All this is mixed with the vibrant greens. Going down my country lane is so cool. It is mainly covered by trees; a canopy of them. And behind all them on occasion is a house or a barn. I mainly love slowing down and smelling the trees and the earth. Listening to the birds. And just breathing life. I often use this as a "prayer" lane. To give thanks, ask for help and lift up all those who are in need at the time. It is like living in a "postcard" picture. This whole place is like something from Norman Rockwell. There is the Farmer's market every Saturday; small town shops around the square mixed with churches here and there. Homes with large front porches; that beckon to you to come sit...have some "tea or coffee". Sit and talk awhile. There are very comfy looking and I could easily read an entire book in those rocking chairs. The people are very proud of their history here. I learn something new every week.
Our home is wonderful with a few "needing" things here and there. But I will get there eventually. I just really enjoy the fresh air and being around the animals. Watching them with one another is so cool. The horses are constantly amazing. The "baby" of the group "Birdie" thinks she is a dog. She "paws" at the gate to come in and eat or to get my attention. She really is something else. All 3 of them will have a total conversation with you while you fix their food. The dogs have Dale trained; at about 9:30/10:00 every night they will go to him and start barking; if he doesn't get up they come to me and bark. The end result is the walk of course. To the end of the drive and back. Does not matter how cold it is, we must go.
I pray that God will bless each of you over the Thanksgiving Holiday. Joshua will be coming home to spend Thanksgiving with us. We will travel to Lubbock this coming weekend to be with Sarah and her family and Hannah and her Husband. Then we will spend Thanksgiving with Dale's folks. And for this I am so thankful. I get to be with 2 out of 3 of our kids. May God Bless each of you.

Blessings from the Country,